Portsmouth Harbor Lighthouse, located within Fort Constitution in New Castle, New Hampshire. By Dan @ Adobe Stock

In 2025, New Hampshire eliminated its tax on investment income, opening its doors wide open for retirees living on a fixed income.

Sure, municipal bonds could do the trick, but as I mentioned a few weeks ago in my prediction for 2025, I’m no fan of munis.

In New Hampshire, if you’re a skier, you can get outside and enjoy the cold. You can even spend a few weeks in the Carolinas or Florida to break up winter or to avoid mud season.

At the end of the day, New Hampshire’s tax cut is a shot across the bow to neighboring states. Live free or die New Hampshire is an even brighter beacon of freedom, a lighthouse protecting residents from the crashing waves washing in from the big blue blob states comprising statist New England.

To compare: If you’re still “living” in New York (most are spending time elsewhere), you know how egregious the tax burden has become. At close to 15%, New Yorkers have a lot of reasons to look for greener pastures. And yet, the statehouse is cluelessly imposing more taxes for driving into the city.

Action Line: Find your Super State by sticking with Your Survival Guy. When you want to talk about your family’s situation, email me at ejsmith@yoursurvivalguy.com. I want to hear from you. I want to help you. But only if you’re serious.

Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.