By Quatrox Production @

Coronavirus Infects Stock Market: Part XXXIII

As some states inch their way back to a soft-open, there will be plenty of losers, many of whom have done nothing wrong and who are healthy.

Think about Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo’s comments yesterday telling businesses they’ll have to allow employees 60 and older to work from home, or offer more paid sick leave. At the outset, most businesses will comply, but what if this type of thinking becomes law?

Why would businesses pay more to hire older workers or keep them on staff? Do these governors ever think about small business owners and how businesses actually operate?

Clearly not.

Governors like Gina Raimondo don’t seem to understand how much businesses respect their employees and what they bring to the table at any age. But when governments set prices for hiring certain workers, it skews the business agreement in favor of some pipe dream that will actually end up doing the opposite of what they propose.

Wake up.

Here, reports on Raimondo’s announcement:

Even as Rhode Island begins the slow process of reopening the economy once the state’s stay-at-home order is lifted, older residents will still face stricter restrictions, Gov. Gina Raimondo said Wednesday.

Because they are more at risk during the coronavirus pandemic, Rhode Islanders age 60 and up will be required to stay home more often and longer than their younger counterparts, she said.

“I want some of the people in that older age group to come to terms now that your re-entry is going to be a bit slower, different and designed to keep you healthy,” Raimondo said. “I don’t know precisely what the age restrictions are going to be in different age brackets …. I just want everyone to be thinking upon these lines and be prepared for a week from now when we start to get into more details [and] you’ve had time to think about it.”

Employers will have to make extra accommodations for older employees, the governor said.

“Many of them will have to go to work, but just under a different set of conditions,” she said. “Maybe that means additional sick leave. Maybe that means additional social distancing. Maybe that will be additional testing …. They will be encouraged to work from home whenever possible.”

Americans are already angry with the level of government overreach they are experiencing. In the video below, police arrest a mom protesting against the closing of playgrounds in Idaho.

Read my entire series, Coronavirus Infects Stock Market here.

Originally posted on Your Survival Guy