Years ago, Your Survival Guy was at a cocktail party in Newport. (Yes, it happens. I don’t live in a cave.) This was at a time when markets were in freefall. A fellow guest asked me about the markets and how busy I must be talking with clients. My response, like it always is, was “My phone doesn’t ring,”
Time and again, investors are surprised when markets fall. My phone doesn’t ring because I’m already in touch with my clients on a regular basis. And because you know me from Your Survival Guy, you know that I work to help you keep what you make. I don’t need to sell you on how to become rich. If you’re with me, chances are you’re already successful. You’ve worked to make money. Now you understand you need to invest to keep it. Easy to write. Hard to do.
Action Line: Markets can stay down for longer than investors care to understand. History shows this to be true. Don’t learn this lesson the hard way. Let’s talk.
Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.