In all the years Your Survival Guy has been coming to Paris, political talk has not been a favorite pastime here. On Saturday night however, that all changed when, for the first time, I encountered locals who were speaking the praises of Marine Le Pen.

The obvious takeaway is the populist streak continues gaining traction here, but that seems lost on the deaf ears of Macron and the elite. The populist political movement is less about government taking care of the elite green energy boondoggle and more about taking care of the people of France. In their frustration, they are becoming a much more vocal people than was the case just ten years ago.

Bon Marche!

If you want to experience what it was like to shop in a true luxury department store, take a trip back in time and go to Le Bon Marche on the Left Bank. Situated not far from the Lutetia Hotel and a short stroll through this park below, you’ll find everything you need and what you didn’t think you needed. And yes, it’s owned by LVMH.

Some of the more memorable times in Paris happen when we head out the hotel door without a plan and just walk. This is what we did Saturday and Sunday. When we got hungry, most places were done serving lunch. We stopped at La Société which serves an assortment of apps all day.

Slow Down

With all the rushing around it’s important to remember that you do have time to slow down. You have time to go at your own pace. Look at where we are with stocks and gold, for example, over the last ten years. There’s a lot of living in between the lines.

If you look at the yields today, consider how much you can afford to invest in bonds and not worry about the stock market. As we get older, taking a huge hit to our stock holdings can be detrimental to our retirement life. I want you to take some time and consider if you can live comfortably off your dividends and interest.

Action Line: Go ahead and reverse engineer your portfolio by thinking about your fixed income side first. Too many investors are overweight in stocks and do not spend the time making corrections until it’s made for them with lower values. When you want to talk about balancing your portfolio, email me at Until then, click here to subscribe to my free monthly Survive & Thrive letter.

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Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.