“They stick a Q-tip up your nose so far, you can see it through your eye,” I thought, as a friend described what it was like to watch his daughter squirm in pain and holding her in place as the doctor performed a COVID-19 test. No thanks. But Rhode Island requires school children showing two signs of COVID-19, which we all have when we get a cold, must be sent home. They can return with either a doctor’s note saying in writing he doesn’t believe a test for COVID-19 is necessary, or take the traumatizing test and wait at home for the results. Both options stink, and are disruptive to say the least. It’s why I want you to think long and hard about how your state, because this is a state issue, will treat you and your family as the coronavirus is a political disease.
It’s Time to Find Your Island Life
Not only is state-forced testing disruptive to every family forced to go through the agony and to wait for the results, but clearly this will continue as a big government debacle of epic proportions as it becomes simple “cover-your-ass” liability management. You’re seeing it at schools across the country as more positive tests become a casedemic, while death rates plummet. My friend’s daughter feels fine, and misses her friends, but is stuck at home. America is not meant to be shut down. Kids need to be in school.
A Booming Economy Absorbing Boomer Retirements
At the outset of this year, the economy was booming across all income groups, easily absorbing the mega trend of retiring baby boomers. Now if you didn’t have a desk job you’re out of work. But look at the difference in how this has been managed in Blue states vs. Red. Take a look at what the teachers unions are doing to schools in New York City. It’s never about the kids. Just follow the money.
Follow the Money
The $1,200 coronavirus relief checks and $600 in supplement unemployment benefits are the perfect disincentive to work. As noted in the WSJ, many Democrat-run states received nearly double what GOP-run states did:
We calculated the per-capita annualized increase in transfer payments, and many Democratic-run states received nearly double what GOP-run states did: New Jersey ($14,033), Illinois ($9,223), New York ($9,030), California ($8,673), Washington ($8,511), Oregon ($8,258) and Connecticut ($7,879) versus Texas ($6,450), Indiana ($6,085), Tennessee ($5,430), Florida ($5,399), Georgia ($5,353) Arizona ($5,326) and Utah ($5,184).
Those seven Democratic states hauled in 24% more in transfer payments relative to their share of the U.S. population while the seven GOP states collected 23% less. Yet these Democratic states continued to boast much higher unemployment rates in August: New York (12.5%), California (11.4%), Illinois (11%), New Jersey (10.9%), Washington (8.5%), Connecticut (8.1%) and Oregon (7.7%) versus Utah (4.1%), Georgia (5.6%), Arizona (5.9%), Indiana (6.4%), Texas (6.8%), Florida (7.4%) and Tennessee (8.5%).
Where’s the motivation to get back to work when it’s all a political game by Pelosi’s Dems et al? I’ll have more for you tomorrow.
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Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.