Investment Strategy

“What Are You Doing with Your Investments?”

“What are you doing with your investments?” asks everyone. They ask it of their relatives. They ask it of their friends. If you’re a regular...

Rich Man: Easy to Understand, Harder to Do

You know Your Survival Guy is a proponent of the Rich Man story by the late great Richard Russell. I’ve spent a career studying...

I’m Your Survival Guy, not Father Time

“I can’t wait until I’m retired when I will have time to do what I want to do,” says everyone. And then they retire...

The Intelligent Investor: Investment vs. Speculation

As you know from here, the first time I read The Intelligent Investor, by Benjamin Graham was in 1997 while working at Fidelity Investments....

The Prudent Man or the Robot?

I think you know where Your Survival Guy stands, but that doesn’t mean I don’t read plenty about AI and bots taking over the...

“Make it a Good Month,” Dick Young

Readers of Richard C. Young’s Intelligence Report remember his cool introductions to every issue. Most of them were lifestyle oriented about Dick and Debbie’s...

“My Father Read Richard C. Young’s Intelligence Report”

“My father read Richard C. Young's Intelligence Report, and he passed them along to me,” is a comment I receive regularly. Who do you...

How’s Your Margin of Safety for Fixed Income?

You might be getting flooded with emails about “guaranteed” fixed-income products nearing 10% yields. I know I am. Why let some other company take...

Vanguard, Bogle, Young and Your First Grade Teacher

I know that you know Vanguard lowered its fees on 87 funds because you tell me. It’s no surprise that Vanguard is racing to...

Your Survival Guy Invested a Chunk of Money

Your Survival Guy invested a chunk of money yesterday in my dividend-centric portfolio at Fidelity Investments. This is a retirement account. When there’s cash...