Monthly Archives: October, 2011

Twisted Risk to Savers, Pensions, and Annuities

The Federal Reserve has left savers, pensions, and annuities twisting in the wind. Buying long-term Treasuries has resulted in the 10-year bond yielding less...

Coping with Manic Markets

The S&P 500 leapt higher by 3.4% today on yet another plan-to-make-a-plan out of Europe and on news that the Chinese government will boost...

What We’re Reading 10-7-11

The Fed's 'Twist' Turns into a Problem for Pensions, Insurers and Households​, PIMCO Policy Uncertainty Is Choking Recovery, Scott Baker, Nicholas Bloom and Steven Davis,...

Diverging Performance

The S&P 500 hit a cyclical bull market high on April 29 of this year. During a volatile session on Tuesday, the index dipped...

China Growth to Slow to 0-3% in 2012


Gold for Trump’s Tariffs and the Course Correction

Have you considered some gold for Trump’s tariffs and...

The Power of a Compound Interest Table

Compound interest was described as the greatest mathematical discovery...

Next-Gen Energy Storage: Hybrid Lithium-Ion Capacitor from Saw Dust

Jijo Malayil of Interesting Engineering reports that UPV/EHU researchers...

November RAGE Gauge: Gobble Up These Yields Now

OK, Your Survival Guy’s November RAGE Gauge is in,...

Trump Tariffs Shock Mexico and Canada

Vipal Monga, Santiago Pérez, and José de Córdoba of...

What’s Up with Fidelity?

If you’re a Fidelity customer and have a money...

Russia and China Tighten Grip on Arctic: A Warning to the West

Daniel Kiss, Thomas Grove, Vipal Monga, Austin Ramzy, and...

Trump’s Plan to Revive U.S. Shipbuilding

The Trump administration is drafting an executive order to...

“Make it a Good Month,” Dick Young

Readers of Richard C. Young’s Intelligence Report remember his...

Retirement, Gold, and Your Most Precious Commodity

Time is your most precious commodity. Something we realize...