Monthly Archives: July, 2011

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The Most Popular Bond Fund

When investors ask me to review their company’s 401(k) investment options, I can’t get over the lack of bond fund choices offered by the...

The Jobs Report

After the blowout payroll employment number reported by ADP yesterday, investors were expecting a similarly strong showing from the government employment report today. They...

Bob Lutz on Manufacturing

Bob Lutz says manufacturers should be creating jobs in the U.S.

S&P 500 Technical Analysis Update

Stocks are up big today on a blowout ADP employment report. Economists were looking for private sector job gains of 70,000 in June. The...

Your Worst Payday

Should you have more invested in the stock market? The Dow has almost doubled from its March 2009 low. And over the last ten...


EU’s Bid to Combat China’s Grip on Lithium

Christian Moess Laursen of The Wall Street Journal reports...

OPEC+ Has Yet to Realize It’s inside a Warming Kettle

Javier Blas of Bloomberg reports that the late Robert Mabro,...

US Job Growth Missed Expectations in August

Lucia Mutikani of Reuters reports that the US job...

Your Survival Guy’s Update on the Kittens

“No one gets out alive,” is a thought running...

